
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A girl named Rosalita moved in down the block
I think I like her but I'm much too shy to talk
A little bit of conversation is my goal
I'll break the ice with just a little Espanol

Hace calor, mucho calor
Could fry an egg on the cement it's so caliente
Hace calor mucho calor
How 'bout this weather it sure is HOT?!

The boy from up the block just totally made my day
But I'm too shy to think of anything to say
A little bit of conversation would be neat
I guess I'll just go right on talkin' 'bout the heat!

Hace calor, (Hace calor) si si senor
Could fry an egg on the cement it's so caliente
Hace calor, (Hace calor) si si senor
How bout this weather it sure is hot?!

Hace calor, si, it's as hot as an enchilada
Si, la cabesa it cooks like a cheese toastada
Hace calor, si, it's as hot as a hot tamale
Hace calor, si, it's as hot as a hot Timbale

Monday, February 27, 2006

For those who remember... and those who don't. Merry questing!

Monday, February 20, 2006

was thinking that a cool QNY activity might be to manually calculate the circumference of the earth. Get a couple sticks and string and measure shadow lengths and perhaps pace out some distances and recreate a millenia old experiment. Just a thought for a possible side trip activity to accompany QNY or perhaps on a day close to it, the equinox perhaps?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

TEETFRA ETC. Google's take on the hidden meaning behind this ubiquitous mantra:

1) DIRECTIVE OMCL-123571113 The information contained in this careful study of the efficacy of tinfoil hats on blocking radiation has carefully been designed ...

2) They get pretty pictures. by 123571113 (Score:2) Saturday November 02, @10:27AM ... the atmosphere might 'support human life'... by 123571113 (Score:3) ...

3) 1, 12, 123, 1235, 12357, 1235711, 123571113, . . . The program to search the Prime Sequence for primes was then modified to search for ...

4) but the really outstanding characteristic of 23 lies in its role as a number's divisor. [Recall, that was 24's tour de force also.]

If we write the first six prime numbers, forming one single number, like so


then 23 just happens to be a divisor of it.

Next, if we start with 4, then write the primes from 2 to 23, as we did above, we obtain this number:


We'll bet you can guess what's next, right? Yes, 23 is a divisor of this monster as well. 'Way to go, 23!


February 2006   March 2006   August 2006   February 2008   March 2008  

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chiroptera — "hand-wing;" the scientific order to...
1. Don't think about it. 2. Or think about it. 3. ...
I was wandering through my old stomping grounds in...
BOY: A girl named Rosalita moved in down the bloc...
For those who remember... and those who don't. Mer...
was thinking that a cool QNY activity might be to ...
TEETFRA ETC. Google's take on the hidden meaning ...

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